On Wednesday 20th November, two teams of Year 5 and 6 boys competed in the National Science Quiz Challenge. All of the boys in those year groups enjoyed the opportunity to take part in the first round at school during tutor time in exam week.
The afternoon started well with the boys using their knowledge as well as a whole team strategy to maximise their points. Every question was multiple choice and the boys were able to use a process of elimination at times when they weren’t sure of the answer, splitting their votes to guarantee some were correct.
By midway there was everything to play for, with the leader board and positions constantly changing. The range of questions enabled every boy to participate well: identification of insects, plants, dinosaurs and bones; a wander through stars, planets and space missions; as well as inventors and scientists such a Louis Pasteur, Dmitri Mendeleev, Tim Berners-Lee, Wilhelm Rontgen and Nikola Tesla.
All of the boys thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to participate. Well done to the following:
Year 5 Ayush Agrawal, Oliver Norris, Thomas Byrne, Adam Davies.
Year 6: Shayan Khurshid, Conrad Lai, Lucas Cornelsen, Oscar Iannotti.