On Thursday, Years 3 and 4 participated in a STEAM day (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) where they followed a day of planning, constructing and challenges. The aim of the STEAM day is to collaborate a variety of different subjects together to allow for the boys to design and make a project specific to their year group. The theme which both year groups projects were based on was transport.
Year 3 were challenged to design and build a balloon powered recycled boat to see how far it could travel across the Shrewsbury House swimming pool. This meant the boats had to be sturdy, yet buoyant and have the ability to glide easily through the water. The races saw the boats slowly move across the pool in many directions but the great design meant they all stayed in one piece. Points were awarded for the distance that they travelled. These were added to their teamwork and overall design score.
Year 4 had to really apply their knowledge of science when making the foam gliders, which proved trickier than first anticipated. There was a lot of intricate detail added to the construction process which allowed the gliders to fly through the air. They were flown in the sports hall in the afternoon.
All of the boys worked tremendously well throughout the day, demonstrating great teamwork, aspiration and perseverance.