Year 6 Production of ‘Twist’

Year 6 took to the stage to perform their production of ‘Twist,’ a musical retelling of Oliver Twist.

There was a real buzz as the curtains opened and the performance began. Each scene had exceptional energy and all boys, whether in small roles or large, gave their all.

The songs gave the boys opportunities to showcase their musical talents. There were beautiful and confident solos complemented with ensemble singing which lifted the roof. The audience exploded with applause after each rendition and the pride in the hall was tangible.

For the first time, the costumes had been made by Theatre Club. Having mastered sound, lighting, makeup and stage management, this term the boys turned their hands to costume. The club boys (Years 6-8) ‘distressed’ over 20 t-shirts to make the grubby costumes for the characters. This included tea staining, ripping and cutting to make the authentic look achieved on the night. They also had a go at sewing, adding strips of lace to aprons to give them a more Victorian appearance. As usual, the club ran all aspects of back-stage on the night. As the Year 8 boys move on at the end of the term, it will be wonderful to see those who were this time on the stage, take on the challenge of learning back stage come the autumn term.

It was a true spectacle of music, performance and entertainment and a real team effort. Well done to all boys involved and thank you to our Drama Prefects and Theatre Club members who provided such invaluable help and support during the performance: