On a bitterly cold November evening, the parents and staff of the Year 7 boys were treated to a musical masterclass at the Year 7 concert. With over half the year performing solos at the event, it promised to have something for everyone, ranging from Grovlez to Coldplay, Mozart to Queens of the Stone Age.
The “Under 12 Music A Team” truly delivered with a range of complex and enjoyable performances across the musical spectrum. With many boys playing multiple instruments to an incredibly high standard, the musical abilities of Year 7 did not disappoint. It was a testament to the boys that the concert was a healthy length, had the audience been a paying one, they would certainly have had their money’s worth!
Particular highlights of the evening included Kit Lockard’s excellent drum playing to a rock classic, Ralph Moggs displayed technical brilliance on the piano, Jimmy Sinclair’s performance of The Eagles’ ‘Hotel California’ in which he played and sang, James Bell’s moving Saxophone ‘Romance’ by Binge. Alfie Mitchell showed real musicality in his performance of Stamford’s ‘Intermezzo’ and Ben Clarke ending the concert with the energetic ‘Acrobat’.
The evening was capped off with the whole year group singing a touching version of ‘Yellow’ by Coldplay. This was followed by a reprise of the Closing Medley from the Year 7 play, which featured songs by Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi and The Rolling Stones. The boys were in great voice as they were backed by the house band of Mr Jani, Mr Nugent and Mr Thomas.
Many congratulations must go to the boys of Year 7 for their commitment and the passion displayed in the concert. So soon after an exam week and a half term, it was an impressive achievement indeed.
Many thanks must also go to Mr Driscoll, Mr Lennon, Mr Jani, Mr Nugent, Mr Thomas and the Year 8 music prefects, Eric Taylor, Oliver Casebourne and Noah Horne, for supporting the event. Finally, thank you also to all of the parents who have supported their sons in their musical journey.