Computing, Coding & Robotics
Computing, Coding & Robotics (CCR) at Shrewsbury House aims to foster confident digital students who are comfortable using computers in everyday life. The CCR curriculum is focused on topics which encourage the development of digital literacy, digital citizenship and Computer Science. As the 21st century focus becomes increasingly linked to Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is important that pupils are aware of how to use technology safely, wisely and embrace all that AI offers. Our curriculum therefore includes lessons on the ethics of AI, prompt engineering and the future role of AI.
Digital literacy aims to develop pupils who are proficient in using a range of digital online and offline applications. Digital citizenship aims to develop pupils who are responsible and safe when using digital online and offline applications. Computer Science aims to develop pupils who are proficient in using both a visual and a textual programming language – using computational thinking to aid problem-solving. Pupils will have the opportunity to write their own programs, produce their own apps and create professional-quality digital products.
Topics covered across the age ranges include exploring and using Microsoft Office. Robotics, Coding and Programming (Scratch, Python and Kodu) generate much interest among the boys. The curriculum is further enhanced by app development and web design (both HTML, CSS and graphics). Touch-typing and cyber awareness help pupils to become proficient in typing and staying safe online. Cross-curricular collaboration provides exciting learning and life skill opportunities for the boys.